วิธีการประกอบคอมพิวเตอร์ ขั้นตอนที่ 1 เตรียมชุดเครื่องมือให้พร้อมชุดเค อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด
How to assemble a computer

step 1 prepare a toolkit with
.Computer tool kit screwdriver flat-headed screwdriver, medium-sized mouth. Use the tightening nut on the motherboard to the case for an additional card holder installation floppy disk ฟล็. Daira and hard disk, and CD-ROM, closing the lid case
.The fin screws Use the spiral channel khip in knots in knots for hot handle cannot be used.
.Decoder chips In older versions of the chip are pamak installed in the socket in the crack. Which decoder chips will help a lot, but in the current chip embedded on a card pamak or the motherboard since I produce out of the factory. Storage tubes and screw jumper Used for storage and for the rest screw jumper from assembling a machine guard is necessary
tweezers. For a small piece of equipment or a screw handle khip used tools that grab is not
.A small hexagonal block. Used for tightening the hexagonal nut female with steel panels of the case. On the motherboard to the case
The head of the special fruit nut holder for hex for some devices that manufacturers do not want to. Someone who is not a professional mechanic to repair sheep!
.Step 2 prepare a case for installing the motherboard this procedure as the initial step for Assembly tools, use a screwdriver tightening and loosening the nut case cover holder for sale. With every case, there will be internal wiring power machine. Check to see that already, and follow the steps as follows:
.1. using a screwdriver, tightening the bolt at the back of the case to open the lid to the side off
2. In every case, there will be a bolt Assembly machine. Power cord and let the sheep out to with
3.Open the side panel kheso steel chest barrier to prepare to install the motherboard
4. Demonstrate how to open the Panel, steel side before removing it out
5. The case where the sheep side panels come out fitted to the motherboard then
.Step 3 install the motherboard into the case this step Panel box packed motherboard that just bought out, come and see. Each motherboard has a ต้ว motherboard. Hard disk/floppy ฟล๊ cable manual motherboard motherboard CD and dairawoe. The most important thing at this stage is to install the motherboard into the case Panel, define the Super dacham on the motherboard is the "Normal", "" (the motherboard all purchased will be assigned Super dacham "Clear CMOS" in order to prevent the battery). After Assembly, the aircraft are not khrueang ski boots. For installation of the motherboard with the following steps:
. 1
. box motherboard review manuals and accessories, with
2. Tightening the bolt to the engine cradle, cradle to match the motherboard slot.
3.Put the motherboard slot system meets the bolt holes in the base cradle or with a panel case. By observing the show, cradle, as always, match the motherboard all
4. A minor hindrance to anchor bolt on the motherboard to the case Panel
5. The pliers mouth lizard khip jumper to the position "Normal"
.Step 4 install the CPU on the motherboard for the CPU is installed in the current location, but before much because most of the sok are all spurious output. When installing the shock left on motherboard It will fit into the slot, If you put a woman into a mighty push, remove, do not come out and check the angle deductions are correct. Before putting back. After that, install the fan cooling the CPU to the heat, which has the following steps:
1. to pull out locking design well-known throughout the CPU side to side until the end, and the pressure put on the CPU to
2. plug insert the CPU into the socket by pushing into the straight sides with less of the CPU corresponds to the less Roy sok market
3. Push the lock down khaenkradueang with the shock left intact
4. Using a screwdriver, locking sleeve hitch fan based on the ear lock on the shock left on the motherboard
5. Plug the fan into a power pole and raising the motherboard where "CPU FAN"
.Step 5 install RAM into the motherboard to install the RAM to the motherboard is not difficult, but there are different types of RAM slot that would have locked in different positions to prevent the plug b wrong side will cause bad Burns hotel. SDRAM,DDRSDRAM and RDRAM should check to see whether any country is locked and put on the hotel side with steps as follows:
1. Locate the slot plug b on the motherboard and RAM, with
2. The hotel is facing the notch by notch, on the RAM match cars to check locking slots on the motherboard, the motherboard slots using our hotel or my
่.Push straight into the hotel. Notice that the arm lock b. kradok back end lock b both sides fit
.Step 6 install the ฟล็ floppy disk installation floppy disk ฟล็ is quite easier than installing another device, because there are only 2 wires to the wire is the power cord and signal cable. 1 match the ฟล็ floppy disk in a two wire plugs into the ฟล็ floppy disk, and then the red cable and the signal cable that has red must be aligned. There are steps, as follows:
1. Insert ฟล็ floppy disk into the installation slot (Drive Bay) and push into the end
2. Use a screw ฟล็ anchor hindrance being emptied into a floppy disk case channel
3. plug in the power supply and signal cable with the correct daira
4.Another signal cable plug into the slot on the motherboard, with the Red wire to pin 1 on the motherboard
.Step 7 install the hard disk prior to installing wahaddit machine, assign dacham super hard by, if it is hard to install and ski boots the system must set as "Master." Only for the hard disk 2 "Slave", and 2 cables, install the same lines ฟล็ power cables is the floppy disk and cable, plug in the power cord to be cracked by subtracting the upper. Best signal. watch legs
1 is assigned a number by the end of the daira. The private portion of the leg wires 1 red, there will be the following step 1. Define Super Mario dacham the hard disk to the position "Master" to use ski boots a
2.Insert the hard drive into place in the daira case (Drive Bay) by the pressure to keep and move to channel their hindrance daira match.
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